The Hargrave Virtual Reality Tour

Download Quicktime

Virtual Tour

Picture Gallery

House Site Map

Click on photo to proceed into the virtual reality tour.

The following tour has been created using Apple Quicktime Virtual Reality (QTVR) software and can be played by down loading the Apple Quicktime plugin for Windows or Mac. Once the plugin has been installed into MS Explorer or Netscape, the basic controls are accessed by using the mouse, as well as the "shift", "alt" or "option" keys to zoom in and out. The control bar at the bottom of image can be used to zoom and to find hot spots in order to navifate through the house.

This function will show any hot spots available to navigate to.

Basic controls

Place the cursor over the image and drag left or right.
Use the Shift and Control keys to zoom in and out.
The QTVR's have nodes which can be found by running the mouse over the image until the mouse icon changes into a finger pointing to a globe.